Thursday, November 6, 2008
Basic AC Circuits, 2nd Edition
Basic AC Circuits, 2/E is a step-by-step approach to AC circuit technology for the beginning student, hobbyist, technician, or engineer. The book is built into a series of self-paced, individualized learning goals covering electronics concepts, terms and the mathematics required to fully understand AC circuit problems--simple or complex. Each chapter includes learning objectives, fully-illustrated examples, practice problems and quizzes providing teachers, trainers and students a complete AC technology resource. Basic AC Circuits, 2/E has been a staple of the electronics educational market since 1981, but in the new edition the author has updated the book to reflect changes in technology, especially the test equipment available today.
Basic AC Circuits has been a keystone for curriculum plans around the country for nearly two decades. This book was originally part of the Texas Instruments series published by Sams Publishing.
Provides a fully-revised introduction to AC circuit technology that includes full examples, practice problems and quizzes to measure learning.
Includes the mathematics training for AC circuit design that so many technicians and engineers are missing.
Written in an easy-to-read and follow format with many illustrations, examples, and hands-on practice.
Schaum's Outline Series in Electromagnetics, 2nd Edition
Schaum's Outline of Electromagnetics is the perfect study aid loaded with solved problems and thorough descriptions of electromagnetics concepts, in plain English. Used along with your textbook, it helps you prepare for classroom exams, broadens your level of comprehension, and develops your intuitive problem-solving ability. Featuring hundreds of completely solved problems worked out step by step this popular Schaum's Outline shows you how to solve the kinds of problems you will find on your tests. So complete it can be used alone as an independent study course, it's also compatible with any course text. For better grades in courses covering electromagnetics you can't do better than this Schaum's Outline!
From the Back Cover
Here's your key to step-by-step mastery of electromagnetics----and better grades! This popular Schaum's Outline gives you completely worked problems, memorable examples, and easy-to-understand explanations of all relevant theory! Students love Schaum's Outlines! Each and every year, students purchase hundreds of thousands of the best study guides available anywhere. Students know that Schaum's delivers the goods--in faster learning curves, better test scores, and higher grades!
If you don't have a lot of time but want to excel in class, this book helps you:
Brush up before tests
Find answers fast
Study quickly and more effectively
Get the big picture without spending hours poring over dull texts
Schaum's Outlines give you the information teachers expect you to know in a handy and succinct format - without overwhelming you with unnecessary details. You get a complete overview of the subject - and no distracting minutiae. Plus, you get plenty of practice exercises to test your skill. Compatible with any classroom text, Schaum's lets you study at your own pace and reminds you of all the important facts you need to remember - fast! And Schaum's is so complete it's the perfect tool for preparing for graduate or professional exams! Schaum's Outline of Electromagnetics is the perfect study aid - loaded with solved problems and thorough descriptions of electromagnetics concepts, in plain English. It can build your problem-solving intuition--and help you ace your exams!
Engineering Electromagnetics, 6th Ed
Engineering Electromagnetics" is a classic in Electrical Engineering textbook publishing. First published in 1958 it quickly became a standard and has been a best-selling book for over 4 decades. A new co-author from Georgia Tech has come aboard for the sixth edition to help update the book. Designed for introductory courses in electromagnetics or electromagnetic field theory at the junior-level and offered in departments of electrical engineering, the text is a widely respected, updated version that stresses fundamentals and problem solving and discusses the material in an understandable, readable way. As in the previous editions, the book retains the scope and emphasis that have made the book very successful while updating all the problems.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Portable B2 Spice V5.1.8
Redesigned User Interface: Toolbar, tab, and button driven for more intuitive control - fewer obscure menu commands to control program.
Virtual Instruments: Function generators, oscilloscope, ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter, distortion meters, and MORE...
Live Circuit: Parameters that can be altered as a simulation is running. Results displayed on virtual instruments or on the schematic via circuit animation.
NEW Parts Palette: Fill it up with your most commonly used parts for quick access.
Realtime Simulation Mode: Continuous transient simulation - see changes as they happen.
Multiple Level Tests: Multiple parameter sweeps or Monte Carlo sweeps in ANY test.
Real-World Parts: Devices model performance of actual parts such as capacitors, resistors, and inductors.
Circuit Wizard: Step you through the creation of the most commonly used circuit configurations - fast and really useful.
Graphing Module: Complete control over all aspects of the graph with 2D and 3D views.
Easy View: Tabbed window projects to keep all the documents in a project in one Window.
Plus everything the previous versions were capable of:
*Custom plots- add your own plots using our library of mathematical functions.
*3D views.
*Combine plots and digital signals from any other graph, circuit, or simulation result.
*Optional independent graphs for each signal.
*Precise measurements between any two points on a graph - click one to mark the first point and hold and drag the mouse. The X and Y difference are displayed at the bottom of the legend.
*Show next maximum and minimum and zero crossing command locates and labels these points on the plot.
*Log for both X and Y axes.
*Selectable graph fonts and plot colours.
*Custom zoom.
*Independent plotting scales.
"Deep" subcircuit plotting.
*Signal family grouping.
Now you can see exactly what you want to see displayed the way that you want to see it. A complete range of new function generators, scopes and other instruments allow you to see exactly what you want to quickly and easily.
Click the links below to download. Put all the files in one folder and extract using WinRAR.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Success Builder Trigonometry
Reviewed by Engr. Michael L. Zarco
Published by The Learning Company
Age Group: Adults
Type: Math
Price: $40.00 US
Success Builder Trigonometry encourages the student to explore and learn instead of adhering to a linear learning path. This provides advantages and disadvantages. Success Builder Trigonometry is better suited to students needing extra time on the subject, or perhaps even tutoring. It would be quite difficult to learn trigonometry using just this title. However, as a supplemental device, Success Builder Trigonometry offers obvious advantages. Success Builder Trigonometry is more like a reference encyclopedia than a textbook, and as an encyclopedia differs from a textbook.
*Great interface
*Easy exploration
*Thorough and exhaustive content
*Best suited for tutorial needs, not courseware
Technical Aspects:
This program installed easily and ran without any discernable glitches.
Report and Conclusions:
I found many standout features of Success Builder Trigonometry, but chief among them were the tips that only an experienced tutor could offer, such as mnemonics for remembering the difference between sin, cos, and tan. These small hints are sometimes what helps a C student turn into a B student. The explanations were thorough and repetitive. A student who doesn't understand a concept benefits from the various explanations offered.
I also liked quiz delivery. In multiple-choice questions, the right or wrong answer is immediately identified. If you guess wrong, you can keep trying until you find the correct answer. If you find you don't know the concepts as well as you thought you did, you can easily jump back to the relative instructional content.
Through exploration and short quizzes, the student gains a better knowledge of the subject matter. I found the content to be, at times, overwhelming in its delivery and visual complexity. I'm not wanting dumbed-down material, but bite-sized morsels instead of full meals.
Even though this title aims squarely at self discovery, I found the open-ended material somewhat dubious. A student lacking motivation will find it impossibly easy to say "Yes Mom, I already finished going through that program." I would have liked the option of leading the students through a set of material instead of counting on their own self-discipline and learning ability. More mature students may not find this a hurdle (really, how many 13-year old kids are taking Trigonometry anyway?).
I loved this title, and I think you will too. If you or your child needs help with trigonometry, buy this title. I don't see much value in this title for educators; For tutorial and supplemental learning, I recommend Success Builder Trigonometry.
Click the links below to download. Put all the files in one folder and extract using WinRAR.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Portable B2 Spice A/D v4.2.14
*New feature: Animated schematics that display the actual current flow through the circuit and the relative voltage relationships by varying the wire's display color.
*quick, easy, and intuitive schematic entry
*New feature: export to and import from Eagle, a world leader in PCB software.
*17 powerful simulations including RF simulations
*PCB export to make your designs a reality
*pure digital mode with interactive simulations
*highly flexible and customizable graphs
*netlist capability to access the full power of Spice A/D v4
*25,000 digital and analog parts
*multiple bit ports and buses
*parameterized subcircuits
*create a part from any circuit
*password protected defects
*shared models
*database editor to import and manage the library of parts
*integrated symbol editor
System Requirements:
*A Pentium or later processor is required.
*64Mb RAM minimum
*Windows 98 / 2000 / XP or later is recommended.
Download here
Portable B2 Spice v4.2.14 (smaller size)
Portable B2 Spice v4.2.14 (larger size)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Scientific Notebook 4.0
The Easy Solution for Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Scientific Notebook 4.0 is ideal for reports, homework, and exams. With Scientific Notebook 4.0, creating attractive documents that contain text, mathematics, and graphics is seamless and easy.
Quick, Clean, and Easy
The software is simple to use, yet powerful enough to facilitate teaching, communicating, learning, and exploring mathematics in the classroom. It is based on an easy-to-use word processor that completely integrates writing mathematics in natural notation.
Entering text and mathematics in Scientific Notebook 4.0 is so straightforward there is practically no learning curve. Formatting is fast, simple, and consistent with tags that define the document structure and appearance.
The software comes with reference manuals and an extensive online help system for creating documents and doing mathematics. If you need additional help, MacKichan Software provides reliable, prompt, free technical support.
The Power of Two Computer Algebra Systems
Scientific Notebook 4.0 is supplied with two built-in computer algebra systems-MuPAD™ 2.0 and Maple V® 5.1. With either one you can solve equations right on the screen using a point-and-click interface.
You don't have to master complex syntax to be able to evaluate, simplify, solve, or plot mathematical expressions. Full computer algebra capabilities are available. You can compute symbolically or numerically, integrate, differentiate, and solve algebraic and differential equations. With menu commands, you can create 2-D and 3-D plots in many styles and coordinate systems; import data from graphing calculators; and compute with over 150 units of physical measure.
In addition, you can use the Exam Builder provided with Scientific Notebook to construct exams algorithmically and to generate, grade, and record quizzes on a web server.
Work with "Live" Mathematics Over the World Wide Web
If you have Internet access, you can open the file at any URL address from inside the software. With Scientific Notebook 4.0, you can send mathematical documents containing text, equations, and plots over the Internet. Scientific Viewer, our free web browser, makes the exchange of technical documents a breeze.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Strength of Materials, 4th Edition
Here are 337 fully solved problems for both beginning and advanced students. This handy study guide can supplement a required engineering course. It offers a unique introduction to computer programs for solving complex problems, and it's perfect for self-study or professional review. Used by more than 600,000 students.
If you want top grades and thorough understanding of strength of materials, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have! It takes you step-by-step through the subject and gives you accompanying related problems with fully worked solutions. You also get hundreds of additional problems to solve on your own, working at your own speed. (Answers at the back show you how you're doing.) This superb study guide features clear explanations of the strengths of systems subject to static as well as dynamic loadings. And it's the only guide to this subject with complete programs in FORTRAN for difficult geometries of structural members, including numerical examples. It also offers simpler computer programs for less complex problems.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra, 2nd Edition
An updated, revised edition of this very successful Schaum's Outline. Chapters 1 and 3 have been combined so the text begins with linear equations. Chapters 4 (Vector Space Analysis) and 5 (Basis and Dimension) are combined and there is an additional chapter on the cross product and applications of the delta function. There are hundreds of solved and supplementary problems.
From the Back Cover
Master linear algebra with Schaumsthe high-performance study guide. It will help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve your personal best on exams!
Students love Schaums Outlines because they produce results. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades with these indispensable study guides. Get the edge on your classmates. Use Schaums! If you don't have a lot of time but want to excel in class, this book helps you: Brush up before tests;
Find answers fast; Study quickly and more effectively; Get the big picture without spending hours poring over lengthy textbooks. Schaums Outlines give you the information teachers expect you to know in a handy and succinct formatwithout overwhelming you with unnecessary details. You get a complete overview of the subject. Plus, you get plenty of practice exercises to test your skill. Compatible with any classroom text, Schaums lets you study at your own pace and reminds you of all the important facts you need to rememberfast! And Schaums are so complete, theyre perfect for preparing for graduate or professional exams. Inside, you will find: 1360 detailed problems with step-by-step solutions; Clear, concise explanations of linear equations, vectors, matrices, and more; Help with linear operators, Eigenvalues, canonical forms, and more; A solved-problem approach that teaches you with hands-on help; Exercises for improving your problem-solving skills. If you want top grades and thorough understanding of linear algebra, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have!
Chapters include: Systems of Linear Equations. Vectors in R and C, Spatial Vectors. Matrices. Square Matrices, Elementary Matrices. Vector Spaces. Inner Product Spaces, Orthogonality. Determinants. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization. Linear Mappings, Matrices and Linear Mappings. Canonical Forms. Linear Operators on Inner Product Spaces. Polynomials Over a Field.
Schaum's Outline of Advanced Calculus, 2nd Edition
This best-selling guide--which has sold more than 340,000 copies since its first publication--has been thoroughly updated throughout to corresponds to current advanced calculus courses. A complete and comprehensive review of the subject, this updated edition features important new chapters on topology and Laplace transforms and essential new theorems, with explanatory proofs.
From the Back Cover
Master the fundamentals of advanced calculus with Schaum's--the high-performance study guide. It will help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve your personal best on exams and projects!
Students love Schaum's Outlines because they produce results. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades with these indispensable study guides.
Get the edge on your classmates. Use Schaum's!
If you don't have a lot of time but want to excel in class, this book helps you:
- Use detailed examples to solve problems
- Brush up before tests
- Find answers fast
- Study quickly and more effectively
- Get the big picture without poring over lengthy textbooks
Schaum's Outlines give you the information your teachers expect you to know in a handy and succinct format--without overwhelming you with unnecessary jargon. You get a complete overview of the subject. Plus, you get plenty of practice exercises to test your skill. Compatible with any classroom text, Schaum's let you study at your own pace and remind you of all the important facts you need to remember--fast! And Schaum's are so complete, they're perfect for preparing for graduate or professional exams.
Inside, you will find:
- Complete coverage of the principles of advanced calculus
- Chapter introductions and historical notes highlighting the fundamental notions and relationships
- New material on vector analysis, fourier integrals, and gamma functions.
- Real world problems with step-by-step solutions.
- Essential theorems and example proofs.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Express PCB
Learning to use our software is fast because of its standardized Windows user interface. After spending the few minutes to learn one, the other takes almost no time because it works the same way.
Download here
Express PCB for WinXP
Express PCB for WinVista
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Charles K. Alexander, Cleveland State University
Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Prairie View A&M University
Hardcover: 940 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill College (1999)
ISBN-10: 025625379X
ISBN-13: 978-0256253795
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits is intended for use in the introductory circuit analysis or circuit theory course taught in electrical engineering or electrical engineering technology departments. The main objective of this book is to present circuit analysis in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, with many practical applications to interest the student.
Each chapter opens with either historical sketches or career information on a subdiscipline of electrical engineering. This is followed by an introduction that includes chapter objectives. Each chapter closes with a summary of the key points and formulas.
The authors present principles in an appealing and lucid step-by-step manner, carefully explaining each step. Important formulas are highlighted to help students sort out what is essential and what is not. Many pedagogical aids reinforce the concepts learned in the text so that students get comfortable with the various methods of analysis presented in the text.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, 5th Edition
Language: English
ISBN: 047139551X
Paperback: 552 pages
Data: December 5, 2000
Format: PDF
* Extensive, introductory-level, coverage of mechanical properties and failure which is the most important materials considerations for many engineers.
* This book judiciously and extensively makes use of illustrations and photographs. The approximate 500 figures include a large number of photographs that show the microstructure of various materials.
* Current and up-to-date with the latest developments in materials science and engineering.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Design Science MathType 5.0
If you are familiar with our Equation Editor included in Microsoft Office, AppleWorks
and other products, then you will really appreciate MathType’s extra features. It will let you create a wider range of equations for a wider range of documents, and help you work much more efficiently.
We’ve added an enormous amount of functionality that effectively transforms Microsoft Word into a state-of-the-art math word processor and web page editor.
Design Science MathType for Windows and Macintosh is a powerful interactive tool that will revolutionize the way you create print and web-based documents that contain math. MathType works with any word processor, presentation program, page layout program, HTML-authoring tool, plus other types of software, to create equations for research papers, class materials, web pages, slide presentations, journal articles and books.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits, Second Edition
Language: English
ISBN: 0071362703
Paperback: 304 pages
Data: June 5, 2002
Format: PDF
Description: This updated version of its internationally popular predecessor provides and introductory problem-solved text for understanding fundamental concepts of electronic devices, their design, and their circuitry. Providing an interface with Pspice, the most widely used program in electronics, new key features include a new chapter presenting the basics of switched mode power supplies, thirty-one new examples, and twenty-three PS solved problems.
CadSoft Eagle Professional v4.15
* online Forward- and Back-Annotation
* context sensitive help function
* no hardware copy protection!
* multiple windows for board, schematic and library
* powerful User Language
* integrated text editor
* available for Windows, Linux and Mac
Layout Editor
* maximum drawing area 1.6 x 1.6m (64 x 64 inch)
* resolution 1/10,000mm (0.1 micron)
* up to 16 signal layers
* conventional and SMT parts
* comes with a full set of part libraries
* easily create your own parts with the fully integrated library editor
* undo/redo function for ANY editing command, to any depth
* script files for batch command execution
* copper pouring
* cut and paste function for copying entire sections of a drawing
* design rule check
Schematic Editor
* up to 99 sheets in one schematic
* electrical rule check
* gate and pinswap
* create a board from a schematic with a single command
* ripup&retry router
* up to 16 signal layers
* routing strategy driven by user definable cost factors
CAM Processor
* Postscript
* pen plotters
* Gerber plotters
* Excellon and Sieb&Meyer drill files
* configurable through ASCII file for easy definition of your own output devices
System Requirements
* mouse
* at least 32MB RAM
* harddisk with at least 40MB free space
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Schaums Outline of Theory of Engineering Mechanics, 5th Edition
This book is designed to supplement standard texts, primarily to assist students of engineering and science in acquiring a more thorough knowledge and proficiency in analytical and applied mechanics. It is based on the authors' conviction that numerous solved problems constitute one of the best means for
clarifying and fixing in mind basic principles. While this book will not mesh precisely with any one text, the authors feel that it can be a very valuable adjunct to all.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Radio and Electronics School Course
1. Basic Electricity - Part 1
2. Basic Electricity - Part 2
3-5. Resistor Color Code Chart
3. Basic Electricity - Part 3
4. Ohm's Law - Power
5. Series Circuits
6. Parallel Circuits
7. Parallel and Series Circuits
8. Magnetism
9. Alternating Current - Part 1
10. Alternating Current - Part 2
11. Capacitance Part 1
12. Capacitance Part 2
13. Capacitance Reactance
14. Inductance & XL
15. Electric Meters
16. Cells & Batteries
17. Microphones
18. Transformers
19. RLC circuits & Resonance
20. Power Supplies
21. Electron Tubes
22. Decibels
23. Electromagnetic Radiation
24. Semiconductors Part 1
25. Semiconductors Part 2
26. Amplifiers
27-5. Phase Locked Loop
27. Oscillators
28. Propagation
29. Amplitude Modulation
30. AM Transmitters & Receivers Part 1
31. AM Transmitters & Receivers Part 2
32. Filters
33. Interference
34. Frequency Modulation
35. A Complete Transceiver
36. Transmitter Faults
37. Antennas
38. Transmission Lines
39. Test Equipment & Measurements
40. Special Modes
41. Miscellaneous
Digital Design, 2nd Edition - Morris Mano
Important commercial applications such as digital computers, control systems, and data communications depend on a common component–digital circuits. Now, this second edition of the best-selling introductory digital design text introduces you to the tools and methods you'll need to create your own applications. You'll find timely information on new developments as well as time-tested coverage of standard topics in this up-to-date edition from a highly knowledgeable source.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
PSpice Student Version Release 9.1
Download here
PSpice 9.1 Student Version
Digikey Database and Libraries
PSpice Schematics Tutorial
PSpice Capture Tutorial
ORCAD PSpice 9.2 Lite Edition
Click the links below to download. Put all the files in one folder and extract using WinRAR.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
B2 Spice A/D v4.2.14
*New feature: Animated schematics that display the actual current flow through the circuit and the relative voltage relationships by varying the wire's display color.
*quick, easy, and intuitive schematic entry
*New feature: export to and import from Eagle, a world leader in PCB software.
*17 powerful simulations including RF simulations
*PCB export to make your designs a reality
*pure digital mode with interactive simulations
*highly flexible and customizable graphs
*netlist capability to access the full power of Spice A/D v4
*25,000 digital and analog parts
*multiple bit ports and buses
*parameterized subcircuits
*create a part from any circuit
*password protected defects
*shared models
*database editor to import and manage the library of parts
*integrated symbol editor
System Requirements:
*A Pentium or later processor is required.
*64Mb RAM minimum
*Windows 98 / 2000 / XP or later is recommended.
Download here
B2 Spice A/D v4
Manuals and Tutorials
Libraries of Parts
Circuit Analysis - Theory and Practice 3rd Edition
Title: Circuit Analysis: Theory & Practice, 3E
Author: Wilhelm Miller, Allan H. Robbins
Publisher: Thomson Delmar Learning
Publication Date: 2003-07-01
Number Of Pages: 1120
Written for electronics engineering technology students taking their first course in circuit theory, this exceptional book has been hailed by users and reviewers alike as one of the best on the market. The 3rd Edition provides updated coverage of standard circuit analysis topics in a remarkably easy-to-understand fashion, including fundamentals of DC and AC, methods of analysis, capacitance, inductance, magnetism, simple transients, transformers, Fourier series, and more. Essential concepts are complemented with hundreds of worked out examples designed to lead readers through the critical thinking processes required to solve problems, preparing them to reason their way through life-like situations expected to be encountered on the job.
Download here:
Electronics A First Course 2nd Edition
Owen Bishop, «Electronics: A First Course, Second Edition»
Publisher: Newnes | JUn 2006 | ISBN: 0750669608 | Pages: 272 | PDF | 15.6 MB
Owen Bishops First Course starts with the basics of electricity and component types, and introduces students to practical work almost straightaway. No prior knowledge of electronics is assumed.
The approach is student centred with Self-Test features to check understanding, and numerous Activities suitable for practicals, homework and other assignments. New Multiple Choice Questions are incorporated throughout the text to aid student learning. Key facts, formulae and definitions are highlighted to aid revision, and theory is backed up by numerous examples within the book. Each chapter ends with a set of problems which includes exam-style questions with numerical answers provided.
This text is ideal for a wide range of introductory courses in electronics, technology, physics and engineering. The coverage has been carefully matched to the latest UK syllabuses including GCSE Electronics, GCSE Design & Technology, Engineering GCSE and City & Guilds competence-based courses such as Level 2 NVQs.
The second edition now has additional applicability to BTEC First Electronics from Edexcel with coverage of fundamental topics required by students of this qualification, as well as other essential new topics that reflect recent technological developments. The result is a text that meets the needs of students on all Level 2 electronics units and courses, with a broad coverage that will be of direct relevance to any reader commencing study of this subject, or more advanced readers requiring a handy revision guide. New material for the second edition includes: kinetic energy; temperature and resistance; sawtooth waveform; fundamentals of digital communication and data transmission; industrial processes; cells and batteries; wind and solar power; CDs, DVDs, mobile phones; and the latest LED technology.
Download here:
Understanding Circuits - Learning Problem Solving Using Circuit Analysis
This book/lecture is intended for a college freshman level class in problem solving, where the particular problems deal with electrical and electronic circuits. It can alsobe used in a junior/senior level class in high school to teach circuit analysis. The basic problem-solving paradigm used in this book is that of resolution of a problem into its component parts. The reader learns how to take circuits of varying levels of complexity using this paradigm. The problem-solving exercises also familiarize the reader with a number of different circuit components including resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers and their use in practical circuits. The reader should come away with both an understanding of how to approach complex problems and a “feel” for electrical and electronic circuits.
Download here:
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits 4th Edition
Joseph A. Edminister, “Schaums Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits”
McGraw Hill | ISBN 0071425829 | 2003 Year | PDF | 5 Mb | 480 Pages
Download here:
Livewire 1.11 Pro
Switches, transistors, diodes, integrated circuits and hundreds of other components can all be connected together to investigate the behaviour of a circuit. There are no limits to what can be designed and no loose connections or faulty components to worry about. However, if the maximum ratings for any components are exceeded, they will explode on screen!
Download here:
Livewire 1.11 Pro
PCB Wizard 3.5
It provides a comprehensive range of tools covering all the traditional steps in PCB production, including schematic drawing, schematic capture, component placement, automatic routing, Bill of Materials reporting and file generation for manufacturing. In addition, PCB Wizard 3 offers a wealth of clever new features that do away with the steep learning curve normally associated with PCB packages.
Download here:
PCB Wizard 3.5 Pro
MATLAB 5.3.1
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++ and Fortran.
Alternative link: Download Now
Save all 2 parts in the same folder and extract with WinRAR. If you dont have this software, click the link below.
Download WinRAR Now
multiSIM 7
Download here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
multiSim Tutorials
Save all 3 parts in the same folder and extract with WinRAR. If you dont have this software, click the link below.
Download WinRAR Now
Friday, June 13, 2008
ORCAD PSpice 9.1 Professional
Click the links below to download. Put all the files in one folder and extract using WinRAR.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Vector Analysis Text and DJVU Free Viewer
Vector Analysis Textbook
DJVU Free Viewer
Monday, April 28, 2008
Engineering Sciences Review Materials for Qualifying Examination
Physics Reviewer
Chemistry Reviewer