Friday, July 11, 2008

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

Charles K. Alexander, Cleveland State University
Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Prairie View A&M University
Hardcover: 940 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill College (1999)
ISBN-10: 025625379X
ISBN-13: 978-0256253795

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits is intended for use in the introductory circuit analysis or circuit theory course taught in electrical engineering or electrical engineering technology departments. The main objective of this book is to present circuit analysis in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, with many practical applications to interest the student.

Each chapter opens with either historical sketches or career information on a subdiscipline of electrical engineering. This is followed by an introduction that includes chapter objectives. Each chapter closes with a summary of the key points and formulas.

The authors present principles in an appealing and lucid step-by-step manner, carefully explaining each step. Important formulas are highlighted to help students sort out what is essential and what is not. Many pedagogical aids reinforce the concepts learned in the text so that students get comfortable with the various methods of analysis presented in the text.

Download here:


Anonymous said...

what's password?

zarcsman said...

Ask me personally...

Marco Olimpio said...

the password is simple... well very simple...

password: zarcsman

thank you!